Next Graphite has come a long way in their quest to commission the first graphite mine and will in due course start its bulk-sampling programme. It made the announcement recently following a slow build-up to its much anticipated sampling programme.
Site construction, including quarters for 30 workers and the building and installation of a screen, has been completed on schedule and on budget. Preparation for the bulk-sampling programme including finalizing the infrastructure and clearing graphitic material from the adits and stockpiling on the dumps has also been completed.
“The heavy equipment has arrived on site and work is under way. The bulk-sampling programme is focused on separating the graphitic material found in the Aukam dumps from the waste rock by screening loads of dump material then hand-sorting the screened product. Approximately 500 tonnes of dump material are currently being screened and sorted each day. Seven sub-samples from a 1.6 tonne sample of screened dump material were recently assayed and averaged 59.4% carbon as graphite” Next Graphite explained.
“We are very pleased that our joint venture has the bulk-sampling programme up and running on schedule and on budget,” said Cliff Bream, Chief Executive Officer of Next Graphite. “The rate of screening and hand sorting the dump material has exceeded our expectations, and we congratulate our contractors on this achievement.”
In a presentation posted on its website, Next Graphite anticipated completing its bulk-sampling programme by 2015 already. However, with sampling of over 100,000 tonnes of graphite tailings still to be sampled, it may seem that its hopes to mine are now becoming real.
Once the sampling programme has been completed, Next Graphite expects to mine up to 2000 tonnes of graphite annually