Monday , February 10 2025

Cut Costs, Whilst Improving Efficiency in Namibia

As operating and capital costs rise, mining companies must drive financial discipline into their organizations more aggressively. Typical strategies include pinpointing cost drivers to reduce costs at both an enterprise-wide and a functional level, using analytics to improve asset efficiency to better plan and execute maintenance, which improves productivity in the process and, streamlining the supply chain to develop the pit to port to customer concept.

To effectively do this you need to accurately monitor, analyse and manage critical cost areas.

Diesel fuel is one of the largest single operational costs to any open-cut mining operation. Fuel on a mining site is being stored (Bulk tanks, bowsers), used (Plant, equipment) or misused (Wastage, leakages, theft). To improve usage efficiency and prevent misuse the location and authenticity of every litre should be automatically monitored, from the moment it enters the mine. With mines using up to 20 million litres/month, savings of 7.5% on diesel usage, using a Fuel Management System (FMS), can easily translate into millions. Important, and often overlooked, aspects of a successful FMS are design specifications and maintenance. If incorrectly designed or not maintained, any FMS will become redundant. Fuel management consultants can be very helpful in this regard.

Transstate Group (TSG) has made it their purpose to develop world-class hydrocarbon management systems that are both cost-effective and user-friendly. TSG has supplied FMSs to the mining sector since the 90s. Today TSG develops and implements robust and up-to-date hardware and software platforms in Africa. TSG markets its unique fuel management solutions under the PetroMan® brand, providing meticulous, real-time, measuring and reporting that allows clients to intricately control hydrocarbon usage.

“We have offices in Namibia, South Africa and the DRC, as well as representation in Botswana, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Kenya. Our footprint in Africa is ever growing having implemented over 140 projects and/or maintenance sites throughout the region, including recent projects in Namibia, Nigeria and Egypt. We design and install various components, electronic devices and software on vehicles, dispensers and tanks. PetroMan® can be custom-design to accommodate a client’s particular fuel management needs as well as address all site-specific circumstances”, says Johan Pienewald, MD of TSG.

Through integration with numerous ERP systems  PetroMan® ensures that clients immediately benefit by reduction in ‘misuse’ losses and theft prevention, less leakage and spillage, less vehicle misuse and improved preventative maintenance, data input automation, increased productivity and extended engine life, as well as better overall fuel management. “Savings through improved efficiencies and reduced wastage, ensures that users typically pay-back their investments within months”, Pienewald added.

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